In Greek mythology, Nymphs were spirits of nature.
They were depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing and dwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and also in trees and in valleys and cool grottoes.
Although the Ninfa garden is well known in Italy among the biologists and garden experts, it seems to be still a secret for the others…
Lately, during the middle ages, the town was squabbled over, sacked, beset by malaria and eventually it was abandoned to the elements.
A neglected part of the estate of the aristocratic Caetani family, Ninfa was left to slumber until the twentieth century when descendents transformed the town's ruins into a botanical garden.
The last owner, Lelia Caetani, left the garden to a foundation who now run the site.
Now plants wind over ruined towers and walls, rejoicing in the lush damp conditions.
The setting is indescribably atmospheric, with roses scrambling for footholds in ruined archways, and the frescoed church wall still standing open to the weather.
Roses, banana trees, maples and resident ducks thrive in the microclimate of Ninfa.
The dampness of the location, under the hills facing the coastal plain, leads to an unusual mixture of species.
Ninfa has extremely limited opening times, unless you are booking ahead for a large group.
Standard opening is the first weekend and third Sunday of each month (April to October), with some variation.
If can call before going, they can set up an english tour.
After the end of the guided tour, you can also visit - at a small extra cost - the walled garden at the foot of the old fortress. Grapefruits dangle from trees in a small orchard and you can enter the castle ruins over the moat where ducks and swans glide.
The gardens close for a couple of hours at lunchtime.
You can go for launch at one of the Agriturismo, I can suggest :
Where to eat.
Agriturismo "IL Quadrifoglio"
via Celestino II loc. Doganella di Ninfa (Latina)
Tel. 06/9601530 Fax 06/9601497
It's close to the Gardens, and they say it's good and cheap.
Ristorante "La Taparita"
04013 Sermoneta (LT)
22, Via Romana Vecchia
tel: 0773 318417
I was there during my visit, good pasta, mushrooms and meat.
The service is perfect as well.
The Medieval Village of Sermoneta.
After launch, you can go to Sermoneta and visit a beautiful castle.
The Caetani castle is one of the most famous examples of defensive architecture in Latium.
How to get there.
Ninfa is about 70 Km from Rome. It's quite easy to get there by car.
If you are visiting Ninfa by public transport, the best method is to take a train to Latina (half an hour from Rome).
The station (which is actually at Latina Scalo, 9km from Latina itself) is the closest to Ninfa.
Infrequent local bus services will take you a little nearer your destination, but the simplest method is to take a taxi.
The taxi bay outside the thirties-style station is clearly labelled, and white taxis arrive and depart frequently. The taxis use a meter for the fare, which is around 12-14 euros each way. Make arrangements to be picked up afterwards, or take the number of the station taxi rank so that you can call for a taxi back.
Useful links :
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